Push Notifications / Site Inbox

Here is the guide to implement the JS and enable Push notifications on your website.


In order to make this work, you need to have an endpoint at your side which purpose is to validates the user session id (sid). This sid will be porivded when initializing the intergration.

Read more here about that auth endpoint / sid validation

Push Notifications

Make sure you have authenticated / initialized the integration. Read about that here

Site Inbox Solution

(Added in version 1.1)

Fasttrack CRM provides Push notifications, the Site Inbox solution will further enhance this integration with possibility to have an inbox on site with messages received.

If you want to enable the Fasttrack CRM Inbox here is how it can be implemented.


Fasttrack CRM will require a few options to be set for the inbox to run: Here is all parameters that the Fasttrack CRM Integration / Inbox accepts.

Name Options / Type Description Default value Required
window.sid String Id used for authenticating against Fasttrack API. Yes
window.fasttrackbrand String Fasttrack short code version of your brand name. You will get this from your Fasttrack contact person. Yes
window.fasttrack.integrationVersion 1.0 / 1.1 Sets the version of the integration script. Use version 1.1! 1.0 Yes
window.fasttrack.autoInit Boolean When set to false, script will not be invoked automatically. It has to be manually initialized in the developer console by running window.FasttrackCrm.init();. false No
window.fasttrack.enableEventTracking Boolean Makes Fasttrack CRM tracking functions available. true in 1.0. false in 1.1 No
window.fasttrack.enablePendingRewards Boolean Makes Fasttrack CRM pending rewards functions available. true in 1.0. false in 1.1 No
window.fasttrack.enableCrmIntegration Boolean Makes Fasttrack CRM functions available. true in 1.0. false in 1.1 No
window.fasttrack.inbox.enable Boolean Enables inbox functionality. Only available from version 1.1 and up. false No
window.fasttrack.inbox.badgeId String ID of HTML element in your DOM. Will recieve text containing amount of unread messages. Element will be hidden if the unread count is zero. null No
window.fasttrack.inbox.navBarLogo String URL to image (logo) that should be displayed in top left corner of inbox. https://www.example.com/logo.png No
window.fasttrack.inbox.contactEmail String Email address for and support purposes. info@example.com No
window.fasttrack.inbox.termsAboveButtons Boolean Some markets require to show terms above CTA Buttons. If this is set to true, that happens. false No
window.fasttrack.inbox.closeModalOnFogClick Boolean If enabled (set to true) you will be able to close the inbox modal when clicking outside the modal on the overlay / fog. false No
window.fasttrack.translations.recieved Boolean Translation used in inbox UI. Recieved: No
window.fasttrack.inbox.validUntil String Translation used in inbox UI. Valid until: No
window.fasttrack.inbox.questionsTop String Translation used in inbox UI. Questions? Mail us at No
window.fasttrack.inbox.questionsShort String Translation used in inbox UI. Questions: No
window.fasttrack.inbox.deleteMessagePrompt String Translation used in inbox UI. Are you sure you want to delete this message? No
window.fasttrack.inbox.inboxEmpty String Translation used in inbox UI. There is currently no messages in your inbox No
window.fasttrack.inbox.readMore String Translation used in inbox UI.

Examples & debugging

This is a full example of how the inbox integration script should look like in production on your site:

  var sid = 'xx-xx-xx-xx'; // REPLACE THIS!
  window.fasttrackbrand = '{brand}'; // REPLACE THIS!
  window.fasttrack = {
    integrationVersion: 1.1,
    autoInit: true,
    enableEventTracking: false,
    enablePendingRewards: false,
    enableCrmIntegration: false,
    inbox: {
      enable: true,
      badgeId: "#some-element-id", // REPLACE THIS!
      navBarLogo: "https://www.example.com/logo.png", // REPLACE THIS!
      contactEmail: "info@example.com", // REPLACE THIS!
      termsAboveButtons: false
      translations: {
      recieved: 'Recieved:',
      validUntil: 'Valid until:',
      questionsTop: 'Questions? Mail us at',
      questionsShort: 'Questions:',
      deleteMessagePrompt: 'Are you sure you want to delete this message?',
      inboxEmpty: 'There is currently no messages in your inbox',
      readMore: 'Read more'

  var fastTrackCrmScript = document.createElement('script');
  fastTrackCrmScript.async = true;
  fastTrackCrmScript.onload = function () {
    new window.FastTrackLoader();
  fastTrackCrmScript.src = "https://crm-lib.fasttrack-solutions.com/loader/fasttrack-crm.js";

Inbox button & badge

You can have a menu button (or similiar) that toggles the inbox. It could have an associated badge which displays the number of unread inbox messages.

This is what the markup and css would look like:

<div id="inbox-button" onclick="window.FasttrackCrm.toggleInbox();">
  <!-- Put which id you want on the badge. But be
  sure to put the same id into the integration inbox
  config. Her we use 'some-element-id' as example: -->
  <span id="some-element-id">3</span>

<style type="text/css">
div#inbox-button {
  color: black;
  border-radius: 4px;
  background-color: lightblue;
  display: block;
  padding: 10px;
  min-width: 100px;
  max-width: 100px;
  font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
  text-align: center;
  display: flex;
  align-items: center;
  justify-content: center;

span#some-element-id {
  background-color: white;
  border-radius: 15px;
  min-width: 10px;
  padding: 4px;
  height: 10px;
  line-height: 13px;
  font-size: 12px;
  margin-left: 10px;

  /* This one will be setted to display: none inline
  when there is no messages: */
  display: block;

Visit this page to see a live demo of the Inbox functionality.

Using Google Tag Manager for inserting FT CRM Scripts

If you want to use your Google Tag Manager for injecting the Site Integration Script / Inbox Script on your site you can do that.

1. Create a new user-defined variable in GTM

Google Tag Manager Custom Variable

2. Create a new trigger

Create a "Page View - DOM Ready" trigger. Add additional filters such as url if you want. But it is important that the trigger is based on page vid AND DOM Ready.

3. Create a new tag with following code inside

Don't forget to replace your own values

  window.fasttrackbrand = 'islandluck';
  window.fasttrack = {
    integrationVersion: 1.1,
    autoInit: true,
    enableEventTracking: false,
    enablePendingRewards: false,
    enableCrmIntegration: true,
    inbox: {
      enable: true,
      navBarLogo: 'https://via.placeholder.com/150x150', // REPLACE THIS ONE WITH YOUR OWN VALUES (OR REMOVE IT IF NOT NEEDED)
      contactEmail: 'info@example.com', // REPLACE THIS ONE WITH YOUR OWN VALUES
      termsAboveButtons: false
    translations: {
      recieved: 'Recieved:',
      validUntil: 'Valid until:',
      questionsTop: 'Questions? Mail us at',
      questionsShort: 'Questions:',
      deleteMessagePrompt: 'Are you sure you want to delete this message?',
      inboxEmpty: 'There is currently no messages in your inbox',
      readMore: 'Read more'

  var fastTrackCrmScript = document.createElement('script');
  fastTrackCrmScript.async = true;
  fastTrackCrmScript.onload = function () {
    new window.FastTrackLoader();

  // fastTrackCrmScript.src = 'https://crm-lib-staging.fasttrack-solutions.com/loader/fasttrack-crm.js'; // THIS ONE IS FOR STAGING
  fastTrackCrmScript.src = 'https://crm-lib.fasttrack-solutions.com/loader/fasttrack-crm.js';

Make the tag fire on your "Page View - DOM Ready" trigger.

3. Insert the script in your HTML / DOM

You might already be adding dataLayer variables. If you do so, please append the dataLayer with your sid variable (the custom variable you created in step 1) and add the corresponding value.

If you are not already adding dataLayer variables to GTM you need to include the following before initiating the Google Tag Manager on your page:

  window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];


And you're done! 👌


Test user:

sid: 99999999-9999-9999-9999-999999999999-9999
UserId: -9999

If you want to debug in staging or production environment, you could deploy above script to production with the variable autoInit set to false. With that done, you can manually enable the inbox integration by putting this into the browser developer console:


After doing that the inbox integration will initiate with the sid variable defined. You can change the sid in runtime by setting the sid in the developer console before initiating it, like this:

window.sid = "99999999-9999-9999-9999-999999999999-9999";

Sending demo message

You can send a demo message from the developer console (script has to be initialized first!):


If you want to you can also set the data in the message yourself, like this:

// Event property can either be 'message' or 'shoutout'
  Event: 'message',
  Title: 'Title',
  Message: 'Message body',
  CTAButtonLink: 'https://www.google.com',
  CTAButtonText: 'Primary button',
  ImageUrl: 'https://via.placeholder.com/900x380',
  CTAButton2Link: 'https://www.google.com',
  CTAButton2Text: 'Secondary button',
  Expires: '2020-05-05 10:00:00',
  DisplayType: 'push', /* Can be 'silent' or 'push'. Only used when Event is 'inbox'. */
  PreviewText: 'Preview text',
  FooterText: 'Footer text',

Front end inbox actions

If you want to toggle the visibility of the inbox in the front end of your site, you can add this action on your inbox button in the main menu for example:


Override Styles

If you want to override the styles in the inbox, all styles should be wrapped within the css id #fasttrack-crm. That protects your sites css and allows you to easy target css classes in the inbox. Place a block of css above the invocation of the integration script.


<style type="text/css">
#fasttrack-crm .cta-button {

#fasttrack-crm .cta-button.secondary {

API Endpoints

If you want you can build the front end for the inbox yourself. Here is the endpoints needed to do that:

GET /Notifications/v2/user-notifications?{filters}

Lists all notifications for authenticated user. Use the querystring parameters to filter notifications:

Key Values Description
unread-only true / false Only return unread notifications


  "Data": [
      "MessageId": 123,
      "UserId": 123,
      "Event": "message",
      "Title": "Title",
      "Message": "<div>This is message body</div>", // Can contain HTML
      "PreviewText": "Preview text", // Cannot contain HTML
      "FooterText": "<div>This is footer text</div>", // Can contain HTML
      "Data": {}, // Extra fields for your usage
      "CTAButtonLink": "https://www.example.com",
      "CTAButtonText": "Click here!",
      "CTAButton2Link": "https://www.example.com",
      "CTAButton2Text": "
      "ImageUrl": "https://www.example.com/image.jpg",
      "IsRead": true,
      "Date": "2019-02-14 13:07:00",
      "Expires": "2019-12-12 12:00:00"
  "Success": true,
  "Errors": []

GET /Notifications/v2/user-notification/:ID

Returns notification for given id


  "Data": {
      "MessageId": 123,
      "UserId": 123,
      "Event": "message",
      "Title": "Title",
      "Message": "<div>This is message body</div>", // Can contain HTML
      "PreviewText": "Preview text", // Cannot contain HTML
      "FooterText": "<div>This is footer text</div>", // Can contain HTML
      "Data": {}, // Extra fields for your usage
      "CTAButtonLink": "https://www.example.com",
      "CTAButtonText": "Click here!",
      "CTAButton2Link": "https://www.example.com",
      "CTAButton2Text": "
      "ImageUrl": "https://www.example.com/image.jpg",
      "IsRead": true,
      "Date": "2019-02-14 13:07:00",
      "Expires": "2019-12-12 12:00:00"
  "Success": true,
  "Errors": []

DELETE /Notifications/v2/user-notification/:ID

Marks specific notification as deleted. Deleted notifications won't be returned in endpoint for getting all notifications or endpoint for getting a specific notification.


  "Data": null,
  "Success": true,
  "Errors": []

POST /Notifications/MarkNotificationAsRead

Marks notification as read. Be aware this is a POST request. So you have to provide a post body looking like this:


	"MessageId": 123


  "Data": true,
  "Success": true,
  "Errors": []